Case Studies

Take a look at our recent projects and if you think I can help you too, please book a meeting with me

Emma Semper - SH Upholstery CRM Case Study

How a CRM can help your business – read Emma’s story

Recently I met with Emma Semper Hopkins of Semper Hopkins Interior and Upholstery to chat about her business. Emma and I worked together almost three years ago as she needed a CRM system, and I am pleased to hear that the CRM is still working hard in her business. We reflected on life before a CRM and life now.

Christian and Michelle from Write on Time

CRM Course Members – Write on Time

Michelle and Christian from Write on Time Limited joined my Customer Journey and CRM course in November 2021. The course is funded through the European Fund and delivered through the Manchester Metropolitan University. Recently I checked in with them to see how things were and to understand how their journey has been since doing the course.

Julie’s CRM Journey

Julie and I first began working together in October 2020. It has been a pleasure to follow Julie on her CRM journey and we continue to enjoy a catch up over a coffee several months later. I helped Julie, the Director, in the family business, to map out their customer journey and implement a CRM system that worked best for them. We recently met up for a chat about the process her business has gone through since we started, what it was like before finding VK, how I was able to help and where they are now.